Are You Coming to Our Mill Open Weekend in June?

Once a year in June we open our roller shutter doors and invite you all along to see us at our North Devon mill. We always look forward to this event as we love meeting you, and seeing all the beautiful things you make with our wares fills us with joy and inspiration – plus we reckon those machines of ours run smoother after a bit of attention too…
Our Mill Open Weekend is the perfect occasion to see our vintage machinery up close and personal on a mill tour, squish the full range of our woolly wares in our pop-up shop (along with a curated selection of other vendors) and gain some new crafting knowledge with our classes and talks, after which you can round the day out with a yummy morsel and a beverage from our café.
This year is going to be an absolute corker, and we have just released the tickets for all our events…
Take a look at our classes, talks, and tours, and book a place, here.
(Entry is free, but there is a fee for the events.)
Here’s what we’ve got planned…
Saturday 7th June 2025
Saturday kicks off with a wee bit of Drop Spindle for Beginners, with Becks of Tiny Fibre Studio. Back by popular demand, if you’ve ever dreamed of spinning your own yarn for knitting, crochet, weaving, (or just for fun!) then this is the perfect class for you. Ideal for complete beginners, plus you get your own drop spindle to take away with you!
As you might know, this year’s MOW special is currently being designed by all of you! From concept to creation – Sonja and Helena will be leading a talk to show you how we took your inspiration and created our glorious, 2025 special yarn and tops!
This year, we are thrilled to welcome expert, Amanda Jones, who will be teaching two classes at our Mill Open Weekend. Her first is ‘Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sock Construction’. From cast ons, to cuffs, from turning a heel, to Kitchener stitch, Amanda will take you through everything, making a mini sock with you in the process!
Saturday rounds off with an extra-special panel discussion. We can all get a little nerdy about making our own clothes and there is nothing more inspirational than being surrounded by like-minded folks. We are thrilled to be joined by Laura Penrose (Penrose Knits), Fay Dashper Hughes, Sophie Hemmings (Knit Purl Girl), and Anna Dervout (Along Avec Anna), to chat about all things knitwear design.
Phew! What a cracking Saturday!
Sunday 8th June 2025
Sunday morning, Becks is back with a banger, as she hosts her ‘Spin the Yarn You Actually Want’ class. If you are struggling to spin the yarn you envision, learn how to move beyond your ‘default’ yarn and start spinning with intention! Explore fibre selection, drafting techniques, and sampling to create custom yarns for your dream projects. Ace!
We’ll also be joined again by Amanda, who will be teaching ‘Sweater Knitting – Get the Perfect Fit Every Time’ How often have you spent hours knitting a garment in yarn you love, only to try it on and realize it just doesn’t fit you the way you intended? Demystify and adapt your patterns, and create garments that fit you perfectly every single time.
Our very special weekend closes with Sinead, the yarn dyer behind Gullrock Fibres. Want to try your hand at natural dyeing? In her talk, Sinead will be showing us where to start and reveals the chemistry and mystery behind her craft.
We also have Mill Tours running throughout Saturday and Sunday at regular intervals, giving you the chance to visit the Mill, say hello to our vintage machines, and have a nosey around the place, guided by some of our lovely mill folk. Get ready to ask all your burning questions!
Tickets are now available for all of our events and we hope you’ll be able to join us! You’ll find more information about each class, tour, or talk, as well as timings and dates over on our Eventbrite page.
We are so looking forward to throwing our doors open and inviting you inside for our MOW celebrations.